April 24, 2014

Easter Party...and a little more :)

Hello friends!  I hope everyone had a joyous Easter!  We had a special Easter party last Thursday here at school.  There were amazing crafts and adorable, delicious treats in celebration of Christ's glorious resurrection and triumph over the grave.  We also had a Easter egg hunt on our playground.  As always, our parents went above and beyond to make our celebration special.  Thank you to all who volunteered their time and talent-you are truly a gift from God!

Crafts, eggs, and goodies galore!

As always, I want to also share some photos from the week.  Wednesdays are pizza days and P.E. days.  This Wednesday Mrs. Williams let us play with the giant parachute.  We put balls and stuffed animals in the center of the parachute and made them fly high in air.  It was so exciting!

Here are a few other shots from the week...
Fun at Centers
Love this photo of little Miss Norah!!
What a sweetheart!
Elise singing "This Little Light of Mine!"
We love Mount Calvary!!
I hope these photos make you as happy as they make me!  We are so blessed to watch your children play, laugh, learn, and grow.

Have a great four day weekend!

Peace and joy,
Miss Brooklyn

April 9, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Hello everyone!  I wanted to apologize for not posting anything the past few weeks.  We have been working hard on prepping for Summer Camp, so I have not had time to post.  However, I have acquired many great photographs over the past few weeks that I've been dying to share!
Top Two Photos: Raine and Dylan T. making apple mouths!  Such a fun and yummy craft made with apples, peanut butter, and marshmallow teeth!  Bottom Left: Remi being a silly girl in PE!  Bottom Right: Ty looking extra handsome while playing dress up.
 Last Friday, Miss Angie did a science lesson on worms!  I have to admit that although I was hesitant, the children jumped right in!  They were so excited!
Miss Hannah and I got in on the fun, too :).

This week we have been preparing for Easter.  We have been working really hard on learning our songs for Palm Sunday.  We have also spent a lot of time learning about the events that led up to Jesus' death and resurrection.
Top Left: Miss Hannah is pretending that Gavin is Jesus.  She is giving him a ride into Jerusalem!  Top Right: The children are putting down their coats for Jesus to walk on.  In the Bible, the people put down their cloaks.  Bottom: Four cute chickies making a fun Easter craft.

One other thing I've been meaning to do is to thank Miss Lori.  She recently gave so much of her time and talent to our school, as she shampooed our classroom carpets and redid our bathroom.  She gave the bathroom a fresh coat of paint and put in a new faucet.  She also hung some adorable pictures on the wall.  Thank you so much, Miss Lori, for dedicating your time to improving our school!  Our parents here at Mount Calvary are so wonderful-always so willing to help.  We are so incredibly thankful!

Well, I think that is about all I have for now.  Just a reminder that the children will be singing in church this Sunday at 9:30 with a brunch to follow.  Everyone is welcome!

Peace and joy,
Miss Brooklyn