Hello everyone! I hope your Friday is going great. I can't believe the school year is wrapping up next week! Things have been busy around here finishing up the school year, as well as getting everything for graduation next Thursday and for summer camp :).
Here are some photos from our last full week of school! It is amazing how much your children have all grown this year. In some of these photos, the children are writing their own names on their papers. It has been such a beautiful journey to witness your children's growth as students and as individuals.
Unfortunately, this will be the last blog post of the year, as this is
the last Friday of the school year. Many of you know that I will be
moving home to Mesa next week, as I will be student teaching in Mesa
this fall and then graduating from NAU in December. For those of you
who will be returning in the fall, I will no longer be the person
running the blog. However, I know Miss Hannah certainly plans to keep
the blog up and maintained when the new school year rolls around :).
I want to give a big THANK YOU to all who checked the blog at any time during this school year! This blog is for you and your community of loved ones, so I truly appreciate all who found it valuable in any way. Thank you also for allowing me the amazing privilege to work with your beautiful children. They are each a unique, perfect gift from God and I am so incredibly heartbroken to be moving away from this amazing place next week. Thank you all for everything.
Have a great 3-day weekend! See you all next week for our last few days of school and of course, for graduation :).
Peace and joy,
Miss Brooklyn